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 Installation de la climatisation ANGLAIS Pop10

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 Installation de la climatisation ANGLAIS Pop10

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4 participants

    Installation de la climatisation ANGLAIS


    Masculin D'où viens-tu ? : HR / D
    Ma 405 est une : SRI
    Date d'inscription : 15/12/2015

     Installation de la climatisation ANGLAIS Empty Installation de la climatisation ANGLAIS

    Message par Recherche Mer 16 Déc 2015 - 0:11


    je suis desole, je no parle pas francais.

    My car: 1991 Peugeot 405 I (15B)

    A lot of years ago my car had an air condition. Now I want to install it again. But I don't know how it looks like, where it was installed and what parts I need.
    Can someone show me photos where I can see how the parts of the air conditioning look like and where they should be? I don't know if some parts are still in my car. That's why I can not search for them. I want to know what parts are already in my car.
    Also I need to know whats parts are needed for this air condition. Has somebody a drawing with all parts on it?

    You can answer in french language if it's easier for you. I can translate it back into english.
    Thank you for your help. There are no other forums where I can ask.

    I want to show you photos from my car but it's not possible to show photos because I am a new user.
    Membre d'Or
    Membre d'Or

    Masculin Age : 63
    D'où viens-tu ? : neuvilly (59)
    Ma 405 est une : gld
    Date d'inscription : 11/05/2011

     Installation de la climatisation ANGLAIS Empty Re: Installation de la climatisation ANGLAIS

    Message par mimijean Mer 16 Déc 2015 - 20:23

    to show you photos from my car -----> look


    Donne ton falzard ! lol!

    It is not the good section !

    Tiens j'arrive à comprendre ce que j'écris.

    Faut dire que je l'écris avec l'accent Francais !!!! lol!

    Adragon avait fait un tuto il me semble .... je cherche.

    Jai pas encore trouvé exactement ....


    Masculin Age : 39
    D'où viens-tu ? : 78
    Ma 405 est une : A6 break
    Date d'inscription : 23/01/2006

     Installation de la climatisation ANGLAIS Empty Re: Installation de la climatisation ANGLAIS

    Message par Hulst Jeu 17 Déc 2015 - 16:38


    I have put your topic in the right section.
    For information, in the EU (but I don't know if in Germany it's the same), the regulation doesn't allow to use the air conditioning gas that was used in 405s (R12).
    So you have to find a kit which allows the air conditioning system to work with R134a gas...

    bonjour  Invité, bon surf sur le forum!! N'hésite pas à faire une recherche avant de parler de ton souci

    Audi A6 Avant Ambition Luxe 2,7TDi CVT 10/2007
    188 000 kms  auto

    Citroën C5 2,2 HDi 173 BVA6 Exclusive phase II 04/2007
    110 000 - 235 000 _ 2015 - 2019
    Peugeot 307 XT 1,6 16s BVA4 phase I 02/2003
    132 000 - 211 000 _ 2012 - 2015
    Citroën ZX break Flash 1,9D BVM5 phase II 04/1995
    184 000 - 274 000 _ 2008 - 2013
    Renault Clio I Fidji 1,4 e BVM5 phase III 07/1998
    151 000 - 218 000 _ 2005 - 2008

    Masculin D'où viens-tu ? : HR / D
    Ma 405 est une : SRI
    Date d'inscription : 15/12/2015

     Installation de la climatisation ANGLAIS Empty Re: Installation de la climatisation ANGLAIS

    Message par Recherche Jeu 17 Déc 2015 - 23:52

    mimijean, thank you. Now I can show my pictures.
    I can't find that thing in the thread you have linked. I am looking at the picture but that thing is not in my car.

    Hulst a écrit:I have put your topic in the right section.
    For information, in the EU (but I don't know if in Germany it's the same), the regulation doesn't allow to use the air conditioning gas that was used in 405s (R12).
    So you have to find a kit which allows the air conditioning system to work with R134a gas...
    Thank you.
    So every 405 has R12? I know that I can't get R12 in the EU. But kits for R134a are expensive.

    Here are my pictures. Can someone see the parts of my air conditioner? I don't know how it looks like.
    Où est l'air conditionné?
     Installation de la climatisation ANGLAIS Comp_i10

     Installation de la climatisation ANGLAIS Comp_i11

     Installation de la climatisation ANGLAIS Comp_i12

     Installation de la climatisation ANGLAIS Comp_i13

     Installation de la climatisation ANGLAIS Comp_i14

    Masculin Age : 39
    D'où viens-tu ? : 78
    Ma 405 est une : A6 break
    Date d'inscription : 23/01/2006

     Installation de la climatisation ANGLAIS Empty Re: Installation de la climatisation ANGLAIS

    Message par Hulst Ven 18 Déc 2015 - 7:32

    I think that the older ones have R12, I don't know exactly the date of the regulation change...

    bonjour  Invité, bon surf sur le forum!! N'hésite pas à faire une recherche avant de parler de ton souci

    Audi A6 Avant Ambition Luxe 2,7TDi CVT 10/2007
    188 000 kms  auto

    Citroën C5 2,2 HDi 173 BVA6 Exclusive phase II 04/2007
    110 000 - 235 000 _ 2015 - 2019
    Peugeot 307 XT 1,6 16s BVA4 phase I 02/2003
    132 000 - 211 000 _ 2012 - 2015
    Citroën ZX break Flash 1,9D BVM5 phase II 04/1995
    184 000 - 274 000 _ 2008 - 2013
    Renault Clio I Fidji 1,4 e BVM5 phase III 07/1998
    151 000 - 218 000 _ 2005 - 2008

    Masculin D'où viens-tu ? : 94
    Ma 405 est une : Mi16
    Date d'inscription : 24/01/2009

     Installation de la climatisation ANGLAIS Empty Re: Installation de la climatisation ANGLAIS

    Message par 47 Ven 1 Jan 2016 - 17:24

    Recherche a écrit:
    So every 405 has R12? I know that I can't get R12 in the EU. But kits for R134a are expensive.

    Nope. As far as I know, the Phase 2 models (from 1993 and after) are equipped with R134a A/C.
    Trouble is, your car is from 1991 so unless there was another regulation in the UK regarding A/C gas, I am almost certain your car uses R12.

    However, I think there is a replacement for the R12 that is still available and can work, but I do not remember the name.

    In any case, you can find at this address the complete drawings for the 405 (phase 1 or 2) and in english Very Happy :

    Masculin D'où viens-tu ? : HR / D
    Ma 405 est une : SRI
    Date d'inscription : 15/12/2015

     Installation de la climatisation ANGLAIS Empty Re: Installation de la climatisation ANGLAIS

    Message par Recherche Dim 17 Jan 2016 - 18:57

    47 a écrit:In any case, you can find at this address the complete drawings for the 405 (phase 1 or 2) and in english Very Happy :
    Thank you for this link. There are a lot of interesting drawings and i think some of them will help me to buy some parts I need.
    But I will not put in an air conditioning again. They have removed really every single part that is needed for the AC.

    The only thing that they kept in is the switch to turn the AC on... frown

    Thank you all for your help.

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